I attended last night a Ralph Nader rally at Abe and Jake's Landing. After first making sure that White Owl was in attendance (I don't know what gang sign he is flashing), I proceeded to the business of the evening. I am not saying that I am voting for Nader this year, but I do live in Kansas. That means that our electoral votes are going to go Republican, and a vote for Nader is not going to be a vote for McCain in this state (when the major news stations spin it that way, unfortunately they are ignoring Kansas' unique situation--business as usual). If I lived in Missouri, I might advise against voting for Nader. But since I am in Kansas, attending a Nader rally is a worthwhile expedition.
I found Nader to be different from the two main candidates because there was no double talk. If he said something at the beginning of the speech, he still had the same idea about it at the end. Another difference: Nader many times gave the crowd more than the usual Dem/Repub gloss over job. He usually gave a list of facts and steps towards solutions for any suggested change. So without further ado, here is a picture and a couple videos I took during the rally.
A clip on industry:
And one on taxation:
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